
I like Dr. Who but this is a bit contrived. Ok take away his saber, he still has the ability to crush your larynx with his fingers. The win still goes to the SithLord.

It's Sir. Nice to know someone got the joke. It was a skit on the original Man Show w/ kimmel and corolla. very funny!

I mean c'mon make it interesting have a deer dart out in the middle of traffic. random oil spills on track, or even better incorporate the system used in death race. Now I'll stay awake for that.

No really all I ever do when I'm forced to have to watch it is fall asleep. I like my friends but this is the one thing where we go our seperate ways.

I truly don't know why republicans waste soooo much time on this quaint issue when we all know what they REALLY want to take away is all the sufferage women face.

Even as a Southerner I never really thought turning left in a car constituted the term "sport". Although, if you ever run out of ambien and need some sleep on a sunday afternoon just turn on the race, a couple laps and you should be out like a light.

ROFLMAO, Sorry Madd was not trying to upset you, but if you want Bachmann she's yours. Really not a problem, we'll put her on the same flight back to nome as bristol. Along with cleat, pigskin, and lockerroom ; bristol's kids.

I think she just needs to go back to that country she came from Alaska, join her dad's alaskan independence party and have as many kids named hoops , penalty box , and finish line as she wants and leave all the normal lower 48 americans alone. It's well past time for her and her mother to dissapear back into the

Whether she is a polyana or not there Fitz at least she's not in the tank for the Koch Bros. and Scott walker.

Well all i know is that I had a real problem with my hips and I don't anymore thanks to chiropractic.

True but it was the charge.

Ok they were not arrested for applying to get married they were arrested for trespassing. Can we agree on that . As far as them getting married I don't really care.

Dear POPE,

I don't think it is an Official Catholic High School if its leaders got excommunicated by the church. And I don't see any reason why she can't play.

Didn't see this line, and I did repeat what Jb stated and it's now obvious that Casey doesn't

Hey killah, can this also be done to california and mexico?

They have something called the tanner scale that is used to help differentiate between of and underage kids

Actually Casey that would be a resounding "NO" due to the fact NY ruled that viewing it on the internet was NOT the same as dowloading it to your computer. You must not be reading the other Gawker sites that would have explained this to you. As for Mezalka, hope you don't tell anyone in lock-up you're a Chomo.

Well it seems someone has been drinking from the same Cra-Cra water fountain that Michelle Bachman uses too. Maybe Bachman's husband can help Bristol find a blind date. He probably knows LOTS of men.

To an extent "yes" but my goal was never to make you or any other female think you didn't have a right to pro-choice. As far as that goes I only take issue w/ being made to pay for it. You want one fine , but if I wasn't the reason for it go make the guy that was cough up the money.