
Didn't SNL do a skit about these pics?

Bill D keeps forgetting a major catholic premise "Turn the other Cheek".

Dear, what I am getting at is "NO" I don't. I don't have a problem with Abortion as a choice for women or other neccesary govt. regs. But republitards do. Its because they rail SO much about how they are right and we are wrong. He wants a 3-day waiting period for stuff because he thinks you(everybody) makes irrational

Water on your cereal, yuck! Now beer is a diferent story. Beerios and BrewLoops. Now we're talking.

Well Travolta oughta be happy.

And thus my statement "Kirby is like all republitards, they claim to hate goverment intrusion till it benefits them" ; Abortion does not benefit him.

It's Faux News did anyone really expect anything different from them or did the sun rise in the West this morning.

"Is it cool for straight guys to hit on lesbians" No its pointless and a giant waste of time.

No I was getting at the point of goverment regulations. Not YOUR ability to decide things with YOUR doctor. Kirby is like all Republitards they claim to hate goverment intrusion till it benefits them.

He's from Mexico

Maybe Mitt can solve this problem. He has friends with many wives.

If kirby hates goverment intruding in our lives , I wonder how he feels about the FAA or the DOT.

Well tha doesn't mean you can't still make your own video

Not a hockey fan , but a well done video.

"Well I could have done alot worse" and if you had, it woulda been the last trick you ever turned. Guess this Ho's never heard of the C.I.A.

Just looks like they are playing patty-cake .

"A far away land where all women love Mitt", Hmmm..........I know the FLDS camp in mexico he came from, yea thats it.

Sorry there is a no return policy on All republicans. caveot emptor

Just don't forget the american flag before you do.

Well just more proof that Bat-Shit Crazy is stiil around.