
No I wasn't, his family background comes out of mexico. The mormons down there are mainly flds. But it's ok his magic underwear will protect him from everthing bad.

Well that's why they are the evil empire.

then again i could be wrong.

THANK GOD! sorry for yelling.

japaneese leader hirohito

"via surrogate" don't you mean his other wives.

All the Cat is trying to is get this kid away from parents that would let a toddler sit that close to a wild animal. The animal was just worried about the child's safety.

Well i guess guys just think differently.

scratches head. huh!

So I guess this now means guys can take cut-outs of porn stars to the prom as their dates. Or for that matter a real doll. Hell what's the point of any human interaction anymore.

Shep Smith for the EPIC WIN based on the real truth.

People let's face it Prom like marriage is all meant for women anyway so who really cares if this was on private grounds and they paid for it themselves. The guys that would have gone woulda been bored anyways.

Now wait a minute Ann did struggle. It was whether or not to get a couple more that ugly bird shirt.

So I guess that means tommorow we can go back to having unprotected sex?

First, I personnaly think Degeneres's Ad is well done and kinda funny. As far as the catalog ad, I wouldnt have even realized they were gay if OMM had not pointed it out. Now OMM, I don't really think JCP cares about your business b/c if they did the manager would not turn and walk away once you started speaking. But

Sorry , I fell asleep during the clip. That was just as bad as his acting on 2 and a half men. Dude, apologize to Demi and ask her to take you back. Your better at being arm candy than acting as of late.

Well as Shaggy once said in one of his songs " It wasn't me".

I'll at least give it an "E" for Effort.

Wait till they rent a copy of Human Centipede.

No that's not martha, this girl is alot younger.