
Maggie, just have to say that of all the responses on this forum. Yours is absolutely correct. Not only should she take her $$$ elsewhere but ask her freinds not to patronize said establishment.

Good thing it is being renewed my ambien scrip is almost out.

their nice , but will they help prevent swamp ass?

Well the first two plots sucked, she was the only reason i even watched them on hbo.

If not Dr. Who, then it must be DangerMouse!

But she's Hot.

So if Fox covered this story then where is Bill OReally? And why isn't Bill trying to help protect the kids right? Hmmmm.

Be careful calling boehner names , he might Cry.

Yes, but Amy will just get captured again. She is his robin. Wait maybe Ace&Gary can save M.I.T.

As long as Jessica Alba remains Sue Storm.

Where is England's SuperHero when you need him? Guess we'll have to settle on superman, batman, wonderwoman, the green latern, and the list goes on.....................

I guess to me what is hillarious is that so many repulitards are coming out as gay or getting caught cruising. Now getting caught watching GLEE is like getting caught watching Jersey Shore, if you want to lower your IQ just go to the bar and get hammered.

No I read perfectly fine, from what your typing it seems to me that you think its perfectly all right for children to be sexually exploited and or molested. And as for the link you want me to go to , I'm not biting. It's probably some underage child kiddie porn site you like to frequent. Sorry no thanks.

Who Cares. Clinton got blown in the Oval Office. Clinton for the Epic Win.

So is Maggie G. trying to say she knows better than all them girls on their knees in the valley?

So you're saying that letting child porn continue is ok as long as some youthful offender knowingly keeps putting pics of his/ her junk up on the internet doesn'nt have their lives ruined. I mean if that's what I'm hearing then thank you PEDOBEAR.

Yes, but to stop child porn you must stop All child porn. Ignorance of a law doesnt mean you can break it. You don't ever accidentilly take off your top or all of your clothes and point your camera phone at a mirror, take the picture , then send it too some person and not know what your about to do.

or anything else she is talented at.

I find it funny that everyone is just now seeing this movie, it's been on netflix for quite a while.

The laws were never written with exceptions for children b/c there shouldn't be any since it is known as child porn. It doesn't matter who took the pic, CP is CP.