
Ironically the only time I’ve ever washed out a car into certain destruction was on an uphill hairpin, in a FWD Passat. Teenage breakups and “therapy drives” do not mix...

Yet they scrapped the F-22 for this for being “over budget”.

Does it not have headlights? That’d be a problem.

They are taking their sweet ass time revealing this car. Don’t you cover the features of the car AFTER you show the car first?

Sooo...Are you going to have a car at this car reveal?

Nobody else was left

The need to show the car FIRST versus going on and on about bullshit. Nobody believes a word this guy says. Show us the goods and if its legit, looks great, seems reasonable.... THEN go on about all of the higher then though crap.

I might die of acute buzz word jargon poisoning before the reveal. This guy is like a Google AI read nothing but tech company press releases before attaining consciousness.

show the car!

i’ve never set up a chair to watch a trainwreck before!


Michael Schumacher is a private citizen, albeit and internationally know private citizen. The public isn’t owed or entitled to his personal health information anymore than they are to any of ours, period.

Taylor can actually drive...

Late as fuck, but... Can anyone shop the faces of Jeremy Clarkson, Tiff Needell, James May, and Richard Hammond onto Noctis & Co’s faces?

Ah, good ol’ RTJ.

but flight is an option package that’s hard to pass up.

archeologists actually found an abacus in china that dates from 5000 years before christ. It had Wolfenstein 3d installed already.

Could you tell me right quick what would be a better motor for my Skyline, a Gallo 12 or a Gallo 24?