
It turns out that he was being pursued by these guys.

The ultimate fuck you to the sports leaders who threw their hats into the trump ring. so great

You have to talk to other people to be dishonest


Fuck that. There’s enough money on the street for an F1 driver that you don’t have to eat that shit.

I took it seriously.

Welp...Dodge has predicted the end times.

Automatic clutch.

“That’s incredible! I have the same combination on my luggage!”

I never get tired of this meme.

We need more of this.

if it weren’t for those pesky regulatory bodies, he’d be the CEO of death race already!

It doesn’t matter if you duck to the inside under braking, or lock ‘em up and slide across the apex, a pass is a pass.

I’d only use old Bentleys. We’d be called ‘Continental Drift’. 

Team Phone Is Ringin’ Oh My God

Clearly you are unfamiliar with the glory of tagalongs.

When Indiana sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people who have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us. They are bringing drugs, they bring crime. They are rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

I think it's important to point out IMS' stance on this as well. I wouldn't let the stupid actions of some doofus politicians prevent you from attending this event. If anything, it should be a chance to show public opposition in front of a lot of people.

Now if NASCAR would only address its race problem.

Jeff Gordon jumpsuit.