There’s tons of positive representation of New Jersey in the media:
I want more space dog fights. More X-Wings.
Can’t wait to see (and hear) the video. Yes: I like the sound of EVs especially high performance ones.
A lot of things seem to be wrong about this article. Lol
Ooh, or Project Wingman! Throw some money to the three guys (not counting VAs) who made a whole Ace Combat. They deserve it merely on the fact that, unlike any AC, the backseater in your jet is an actual character.
Peter you sunova bitch. I thought we finally got a mega man legends announcement.
Other Xbox IPs they should bring back:
Don’t forget the random musical performances.
Oh fam, you just stumbled into a world of serious unsolicited comment lecturing.
I will always defend the GTR LM NISMO. It was a good car crippled by a company that spent more on marketing than development and an extremely truncated timeline. The concept was sound. Even without the extra 500 electric horses and rear wheel drive, it was still the fastest car through the traps on the Mulsanne. If…
Im definitely no apologist, but I think being an industrialist in nazi-era Germany would put one in a situation where you’re damned if you don’t: Kiss Hitler’s ass, Be a ‘friend’ of Hitler’s, Openly commit to ‘making Germany great again’ and so on...
No fuckin clue who she is or what her history is, so I’m not going to “tolerate everything she does”, but I guarantee you that cat jumps down from higher heights on it’s own, and it looks like padded carpeting behind her. Cry me a fuckin river, cats are dickheads and they can handle a fall far greater than that.
“Max Verstappen....certified douche”
If you’re EXTRA thirsty
They were way slower because they never had a working hybrid system, so they were about 500 horsepower down and lacking AWD on the other teams. I still maintain they could have had a competent car with another year of testing before entering the series (like Porsche did).
I know this. It’s what they do at King of the Hammers, an off-road race in California.
I remember lusting over this car legit 15 years ago in Import Tuner and Super Street (with Jwo and NADS)....MAGAZINES, WITH ACTUAL PAPER. That’s when the mags were about 100 pages long, and half filled with advertisements for body kits, underglow, and the like. I remember dreaming about importing one from MotorEx and…