Ahab's wife

i have been berating the local radio stations promoting the movie by giving free tickets. Every post tweet call in. Just harassing the hell out of them about it.

I'm here to disabuse you all of any notion that the world is anything other than a Nietzschean hole of chaos and despair.

So, Iggy Azalea is getting doxed by pizza delivery dudes. Madonna is acting more and more like a confused ex-brothel keeper. El Presidente has to go on live tv to remind men not to beat the shit out of women.

Seriously. The placement seems a bit, misplaced. Glass houses, etc.

In the week when the 50 Shades movies comes out, at least someone is talking about domestic abuse instead of romanticizing and promoting it.

Grammy PSA about domestic violence ~60 minutes after Chris Brown's 15th Grammy nomination was presented.

Ah yes, that show helped me survive grad school!

Or, Fox News is doubling down on a ratings winner and making a big pile of dough while doing it. It is after all a business beholden as much to ratings dollars as to conservative values.

I like to think she's just been a sleeper agent all these years and finally got the go-ahead to break Fox news. It's a happy little fantasy world I live in!

there is a massive dif between 'i think this could be more flattering' and 'my ideas are the only thing'

Oh man, picking out my husbnd's clothes was one of the most infuriating parts—not because of my husband, but because of the sales people. He has great taste, and knew what he wanted. So when we went to buy his suit, he said "For our wedding, I'm looking for-" and was cut off by the saleswoman who said, "But what does

there can be a difference between constructive feedback and just crushing someone's joy.

I bought my wedding dress in a city where none of my friends or relatives lived because we had just moved when we decided to get married. I went shopping alone. I thought it was going to be sad but it was nice, I could really chose what I liked the most. When I was trying on my favorite dress the mother of another

Yes, they are amazing, and hardly anyone knows about them.

You should! It is courteous and creative all the same.

What's disconcerting about it? It's just some polyamorous, multi-ethnic gay guys and their 15 cats. No women required.

Wow. And I felt clever by putting book shelves of decreasing height next to each other so our cat could climb up to the tallest one.

My thought exactly. Bless the person who dusts all of that.

This is my *dream.* Though I'd like to make a house for disabled animals. Like a room dedicated to blind cats with no high places to fall from and padded corners so they don't get hurt if they run into anything (my boy runs into the walls all the time...more because he's clumsy than because he's blind.) Rooms with

My sinuses are flaring up just by looking at that. So awesome. So adorable. So...much cat dander.