
Yeah, Asheville and (probably) Denver you’ve probably got nice, newer Subarus. But in South Lake Tahoe/Stateline, CA/NV our Official Car is the Subaru beater.

Stop this shiny shit.

Correlation is not causation, redundancy (in propulsion systems and a lack thereof in a deceleration system), costs of international production, sunk costs…it’s Econ 101 all over!

The actual quote is: the risk of harm coming to anyone on Earth is low, approximately “1 in 2,467" (emphasis mine). 

Find the mistaek:

NEUTRAL: The “snaking weatherstripping” doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the fact that the front of the truck, if you exchange headlights for brake lights, looks like the back of a truck.

If I’m not near a service center, how the hell do I get it fixed, what do I drive in the meantime and how much will I pay?

Hey REK, why did the most starred comment get no love (OK, it’s mine, but WTF)?

This road through Manytowns, USA

The back seats lose significant headroom with the hatchback.

Guaranteed to spin and spin and spin…

Fair enough (I read the IS has lousy leg-room, but haven’t sat in one), but the Integra, Stinger, Corolla—mostly sedans—mostly suck.

Almost everyone’s interiors.

Just Missed” but also “The company reportedly produced 24,337 vehicles” and Rivian had originally forecast 2022 output at 50,000 vehicles before … a re-assessment of its potential in mid-2022.”

Reminds me of this mind-bender

That lower clearance might be a problem in snow.

Perhaps the cyberattackers figured out how Continental can make better tires. 


Stop this Shiny Shit!!!