“The results showed that the ‘most prominent’ emotion experienced during the test was happiness, both by driver and passenger.”
“The results showed that the ‘most prominent’ emotion experienced during the test was happiness, both by driver and passenger.”
Ohm my god, I resist getting watt on earth joule currently mean.
“What’s worse is that not many people know about the system because the state is keeping the information its collected close to its chest with an iron fist.”
“…the employees in question supposedly agreed in writing to settle legal matters in arbitration, not in court.”
I was excited about the Integra (placed one of the first 500 orders) but when I drove it just didn’t see the value. Even with no dealer mark-up the car is overpriced given its ordinary characteristics.
2nd Gear: “Cox surveyed 591 franchised and 555 independent dealers…”
Your last sentence is true in multiple contexts: “Anyone who owns a car in New York, myself included, is completely mad.”
How does it drive (esp. compared to the Civic)?
5th Gear