
You really need a better opening line for the traitor than:

I’m not sure what you’d do without us, but I hope you never have to find out :)

It cured my herpes.

Yeah but you know, sometimes you just want a new car.

Holy wheel wells, Batman!

4th Gear: Don’t get me started on Lax Bros, Amber. They are all cut from the same cloth: They overvalue themselves, provide no redeeming social value, show up at parties uninvited, eat your food, drink your beer, and foul your bathroom.

I love this so much more than the slideshows.

Considering Disney owns Fox now, I'm baffled they're passing up money by making a Springfield version of this.

Toyota’s Bronze Age says, “Hold my Sapporo.”

Color is great, let’s talk about those black wheels though...

Track time and Alaska time

Once I get the Monster serviced and ready I’ll run that and the Livewire on track. The Neon and the 911 will also both get some time at speed. It’s been too long since I had a good track day.

The Cayenne should be ready for a trip to Denali in the summer. 

VB is, of course, correct. I am currently in Nevada and most of my cars are back in Ohio. MOST of them work fairly well...

I dont always make mistakes when I work on my vehicles, but when I do, I almost always find out after I’ve buttoned everything back up and go to drive it.

Wow a mistake I havent made.................... yet 

Higher taxes on higher HP and weight too

I’m not judging, but just to clarify you’re saying that your convenience is more important than reducing traffic fatalities.

Wife made you buy a minivan, huh?  ;)

spending millions of dollars and millions of gallons of fuels to transport cars all over the world so they can race against each other is indeed awful. Such a immense waste of resources.

Formula 1, as currently formulated, is awful.