
I wonder if we’re finally getting “Genesis of the Cybermen”...? If so, it’d better be based upon Marc Platt’s excellent audio, Spare Parts.

No-one ever asked those questions because no-one ever wanted answers, Unca Ridley. What they wanted was an advancement on the original three films, an evolution... not a retread that divested them of all intrigue and magic.

I am steadfastly unsurprised by any part of this release announcement. And yet, a little inner me hopes for a feelgood musical interpretation of the warts-and-all “making of” story in twenty-five years’ time.

HUMANS is waaaaaaay more entertaining than the portentous Westworld. Much more stylish and accessible too, and on a fraction of the budget. I admire Westworld’s plot turns, but it’s not a likeable show - it’s a praiseworthy one. It looks beautiful, but it’s in love with itself, not with the idea of telling a great and

I feel the Swedish version is actually a lot more tongue-in-cheek in places. Dirtier, rougher, patchier perhaps than the UK remake, but they’ll always go for the comedy moment too. I think the UK version has better, more appealing characters - it just feels more accessible (and that’s not down to language) and more

Wow, I am truly unimpressed and deeply underwhelmed. Static figures and board games? For the 4oth anniversary? Yow.

I like it! A title should conjure a sense of mystery and allure, and this has it. Great title!

I watched the first episode and it commits the cardinal sin - it’s incredibly dull. Beautifully shot and acted, amazing production values, and clever - absolutely - but BORING. Maybe there is drama to be had put of such a premise but if so, there was none on show here. I’ll give the second episode a chance, but if it

No-one’s addressed the question we all *really* want to know the answer to... what happened to the black R2 unit, C2-B5? That little guy’s shot at stardom was ruined because of Edwards’ method of trying to sculpt a film out of miles of footage in the editing suite! C2 should sue!

It definitely doesn’t get enough love. It was way ahead of its time with the arc plots and layered characterizations and remains the most “modern” of Treks shows. (Let’s see Discovery do better!) 

The mention of the space salamanders makes me wanna bang my head in teeth-gritted frustration that I wasted so much time hoping this show would somehow fulfill its potential as it meandered from reset button to reset button over seven, long years. It seemed like a surefire investment after TOS, TNG and DS9...! Even

What’s the difference between “completism” and “completionism?” Answer: one’s British, one’s American. Mere syllables, but this seemed like a thread to pedantically note the difference and trust me, there’s a theme there, because the first saves you a fractional amount of time. And yes, I own the fact that I watched

Me too. If they release Star Wars - the original - in 4K - I’m investing in a 4K blu-ray player. No joke. I want it that badly.

The “garbage mattes”...? I could live with those. Especially if there’s a release that comes with the SE too. Which is what we wanted all along. I want to see the movie I saw as a child back in 1977. I really don’t mind that the SE exists too, but I would like the option to revisit and luxuriate in my own memories,

It was his sister Steela who was badass. She had great hair, too - sort of anti-grav dreadlocks. 

No, The Daily Mail attracts a very particular and narrow-thinking readership, believe me. Although I haven’t ventured too closely to their comments section recently (as a Brit living abroad I sometimes do out of some weird anthropological urge and desire to know how morons at home are thinking), these sound real to

I wish.

As in “inert.”

Hmmmm. Maybe we’re gonna see a completely new kind of Klingon...

Sadly, this news fills me with inertia. I so want this to be good, to be relevant, to be about IDIC and optimism... but this sounds like a slightly different angle on something we’ve already seen. Does Trek need to be rebooted again? Can’t this franchise - beloved of so many,  representing so much hope, go forward?