
I disagree. I am only halfway through the documentary, but to me it’s quite clear that the documentary was not made to provde Avery’s innocennce; rather, it was made to shine a light on the disgusting flaws in this particular case that should not have resulted in a conviction, and the similar flaws on a national scale.

Your cousin was part of the system who made it impossible for Steven Avery to have a fair trial... He was convicted the moment local reporters were allowed to take liberty with the narrative.

Sheesh man, I’m not a Deadstan, but pardon Diana if she isn’t immediately ready to trust every last resume detail from an Internet commenter named MILF Hunter. I mean, at least tack on Esquire, heh.


Tyga is waiting until Valentine’s Day to propose.

You and your son sound homophobic.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go yank one off quickly.

It’s not, though. Pert Plus is a shampoo/conditioner combo. There’s no shampoo in Wen.

May I judge if the judgment is positive? Dolly is an amazing songwriter, and you have great taste.


This gave me chills.

My little sister and I have a new thing where our text conversations are interspersed with increasingly zoomed in photos of Ted Cruz’s face.

Well, it looks like a corpse with open glass eyes. Creepy.

Because they share of love for Disney? They play freaking Snow White and Prince Charming for a living.

I’ve had the sort of day that requires ice cream and whiskey at the end, and Stamos’ pert bottom is just a lovely little bonus. I have no questions about the pose. I’m just happy he chose to share. Thank you, John Stamos. It’s as cute and round as I always imagined.

I assume you’re in a situation where you’re so excited to have sex with John Stamos that you just pull his pants down and have sex as soon as humanly possible? And then afterwards he’s looking out at the window, just thinking about the joy of being alive and looks back at you meaningfully, as if it so say “thank you

I guess I could go through the Taco Bell drive thru like that but,..



This is hilarious. Just had a conversation with my husband at dinner last night while I was eating a delicious salad- I really believe the best salad isn't near as delicious as the worst cheesey carb food.