
You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life

There, there. It’s going to bs okay, punkin’.

I agree. I do so, and then am just as bad by admitting that Lochte does seem very unintelligent, but he also seems like that’s no fault of his own. Some people, like Donald Trump, are willfully uninformed. And I feel no compunction making fun of them for that. But other people really don’t have an excess of mental

I love that he thinks SHE’S the asshole in the situation. And the “fat ass” is just the cherry on top.

Mostly Unrelated: The other day I had a close encounter with a rusty nail (thankfully it didn't penetrate my flipflop!) and I started thinking about tetanus shots, and then I started wondering if anti vaxx people are against tetanus and rabies shots. I fell down a google rabbithole (have a phone I can take in the

“And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

“I have been physically abused, and I believe all of this is emotional abuse. Ariel should ask herself, ‘has Ariel ever raised a hand to her mother? Has Ariel ever done anything she’s ashamed of to her mother?’”

He looks like such a goober. Like Steve Urkel trying to be hard.

Also from the housemates:

To the protestors with the “Keep Ireland Abortion-Free” signs...Ireland (and every other country) is not abortion-free and has never been. Admitting it is the first step.

I'm sure you don't have very much experience with pussies.

By whom? Trump supporters and Putin?

They’re both morons, Kate and Sean. Kate has been friend with Chapo for years. Her only worry is that she’s embarrassed by the flirty texts that leaked and that people think she has fucked him (which let's be real, it probably has happened), and that the world knows he invested in her business. This is not a good look

I cringed when I saw the headline. I was prepared for this to be a “Your Fave is Problematic”-style takedown of Bowie, and I honestly wasn’t sure I wanted to read it. I clicked anyhow and was pleasantly surprised.

I think it’s the thing where a lot of times when taylor “Does Feminism” it’s sort of like watching someone you know perform underwhelmingly in live theater. like good for her! but I want it to done by someone better. And if that’s not an option I want to leave my seat and go somewhere else.

He just wanted her to be able to make the smoothies she liked! Mannn, I need to watch that movie again. So so good.

Kitchen appliances I’m cool with because I LOVE to cook so it’s like, “oh sweet a fancy food processor!”, but context is EVERYTHING here

The only reason to get married is to GET a high-end stand mixer.

Right?! My Vitamix is the best gift my husband ever bought for me. A scale, though? Fuck that.

Makes me think of on Father of the Bride when the daughter is gifted a blender by her fiance for a wedding gift and she has a meltdown because she thinks it means he expects her to be the “little wife”