Expecting a new baby? How passe. I prefer old babies. Old babies give you a Werther’s Original and then take you out to dinner at the buffet at 4 o’clock.
The funniest thing, to me, about all of this is how much the very way it wasn’t working between the two as actors is exactly what makes the Susan story work so well. She starts as an interesting but clearly fleeting character (as an NBC production person, then as a temporary lesbian), works her way into the story, and…
Oh Jimbob you’re so magnificent with your doughy countenance and your helmet of hair and your insistent willful ignorance *siiiiigh*
It feels very reminiscient of the National Enquirer and the John Edwards debacle.
I know a few other commentators have asked this question, but has any of the media coverage addressed the issue of why Jim Bob and Michelle are the ones doing the press tour and speaking out for Josh when he’s a 27 year old man?
He has a face that looks like the result of Gary Shandling mating with a pig.
Jim Bob is asking Jesus for advice right now, and Jesus is all
Actually, cutting someone’s hair against their will doesn’t “upset” the person; it violates their fundamental right to bodily integrity. That’s a thing that all people have, even the children of assholes (and imbeciles).
Ah, ok, the Floyd Mayweather “I didn’t leave a mark!” defense.
My mom did that shit to me when I was a kid, on top of all sorts of other things. I’d come home to military school catalogs on the kitchen table. My heart breaks for this girl.
I think chopping off a child’s hair as punishment is implicitly public. So wrong, and so sad.
You’re so right, the abusive parents are the real victims. The dead girl, whatever.
I just read through the comments section of the Tacoma Stories link and someone fairly close to the situation said that her father had threatened to put her up for adoption. If this is true, coupled with the hair cutting off incident, it paints a picture of an abuser who should be in jail.
I would be so happy if Taylor Kitsch and Rachel McAdams were an item. THEY BOTH DESERVE TO BE HAPPY AND BEAUTIFUL TOGETHER.
( i have a semicolon thing too.)
I’m laughing and thinking about this:
I use ‘em all! Ellipses, em dashes, semicolons, parentheses...my writing reads just like I sound when I talk (if that makes sense), which probably annoys some people but I never hear about it straight out... :-)
On May 27, she was seen ordering “all this crazy food — including multiple appetizers like mozzarella sticks and several different pasta dishes like spaghetti Bolognese.”
I fucking hate space before an ellipsis.