
Here’s what really pisses me off. We know how to lower the abortion rate. A strong social safety net, thorough and honest sex education, and broad access to contraceptives. And gee golly, Republicans are against all of that, too. It’s almost as if they don’t actually give a shit about children at all, but are

When it’s not inside another person’s body. When having rights does not by definition supercede the bodily autonomy of an actual person....the person who is pregnant.

“Want to know why she doesn’t have an order of protection against the father? Because she applied for one, and this judge denied it.”

There’ve been a few. He wanted to uproot the entire family and move to Israel for a job. The mother finally relented and they all went with him, then later she decided to leave — to me, that jives with the kid’s assertion that the dad was beating her.

Exactly. If the 14 year old saw his father beat his mother, as he insists happened, it’s entirely normal for him to not want anything to do with the father.

“with this frequency.” That’s the phrase y’all keep conveniently leaving out.

Well, this just in: the MRM supports Kozak, because obviously “the bitch was lying” and destroyed his life.

The unvaccinated are "sharing" a lot more than prayer, though. Disfigurement and death sort of trumps that. And I say that as an atheist.

90% of murders are committed by men, so clearly the real guide we need is how not to be killed by a man.

They truly believe that "gaming" has solely been a male domain. That proves they're young. I grew up in the arcades in the '80's. Playing video games was not gendered then. Boys and girls hung out there all day. Boys and girls had their birthday parties at the arcade. Boys and girls loved Super Mario Brothers

Nope. The cockroaches were all there in the dark. Turning the light on makes them scatter a bit, but they were always there.

The mere existence of gay people in the world makes you feel preached at, and you're surprised at being called homophobic?

Everybody, look! It's Vivian James!!

I do the same thing, and always tip 20%.

I live in Madison. Every Fall when classes start there is a rash of muggings that happen around bar time. There are a lot of students who are new in town and a lot of people wandering around at 2AM, and criminals view them as easy pickings for robberies. I'm guessing that's specifically what the police department

Because hackers using exploits to force their way into someone's password protected account is totally the same as finding a fat wallet on the ground!

You're exactly right; upholding the status quo from a position of privilege is not subversive. It's bugged the crap out of me that so much comedy has gone in that direction in the past several years.

There is no "catchall" response that will work with every one of these guys. Some of them get off on the response. Some of them back down immediately when you respond. It's up to the individual to determine what she feels safest in doing to respond to this kind of harassment. Personally, I prefer a sharp, "What

You realize she received that money as a direct result of the barrage of psychotic hate and rage from misogynist gamers, right? People were so appalled by the reaction just to the announcement of her project that they gave her far more money than she was asking for.

Yo, KNoor1997, I was playing video games in arcades before you were fucking born, and I have tits! So you fuck off first, m'kay?