
Bingo, and this is the part that particularly drives me nuts. Drinking is an integral part of socializing in our culture — we drink with friends, we drink with potential lovers, we drink with business contacts! It's a flat out fact, from someone who doesn't drink and has been called out on it constantly ("I don't

Perfect illustration of this is Bill O'Reilly trying to argue that white privilege doesn't exist because he grew up in the working class neighborhood of Levittown — which of course was a racially segregated planned community that offered affordable housing to whites only. Nope, no privilege there, Bill-o!

Now you're purposely avoiding the point. Voter fraud is a non-issue. The GOP is systematically attempting to disenfranchise people who do not vote for them, and voter id bills are just one of the tools at their disposal.

From Think Progress's post:

Zero cost is the only acceptable. And cost also includes time and travel requirements to obtain said ID.

Yes, in Wisconsin there was "coincidentally" a plan to actually close DMV offices right around the time that the Voter ID bill was still being argued. But once the plan was publicized the Walker administration backed off that idea.

Every state that has launched an investigation in search of voter fraud has found just a handful of cases, most of which are felons who are voting using their real identities, something that is not addressed by voter id laws. And states are spending millions of dollars to implement these laws in a naked attempt to

My theory is that people "see" things that they personally tend to be frightened of or anxious about. It doesn't surprise me to hear that someone who sees aliens happens to be very interested in extraterrestrials, or that someone who sees demons is very religious. I tend to think someone has broken into my house, or

I experience it if I get way too much sleep. I don't see ghosts or aliens, I usually think someone is breaking into my house and I'm trapped there unable to move while they are rifling around my bedroom. Or I think my mother is calling me to wake up and go to school (I'm 37). I've experienced it enough that I can

My guess is that he instinctively thought it was a fish, then when he put it in his mouth, was like, "Ew, not a fish," and spit it out.

I went to high school in the early 90's, and even back then it was always the senior jocks who would go through the freshman girls. So we're talking 18 year olds with 14-15 year olds. Even back then, my friends and I recognized that it was seriously gross, but we were the minority with that opinion.

They don't care. The actual agenda for conservatives is to shame female sexuality and to keep women enslaved to their biology. They don't actually give a shit about babies or saving money. And that is not hyperbole, you see it illustrated again and again in how they talk about this topic, how they talk to women,

Explain exactly how your employer is allowed to dictate how you spend your earned benefits?

But then it turned out that it wasn't the diet hurting the baby; she had something else wrong with her that had nothing to do with veganism.

My concern is that they're simply scammers with no intention of using the money for the child at all.

Yes, George Will's ability to speak and be heard is so very stifled.

The article discusses that future studies would look at the effects of testosterone levels on girls.

So the next day they should all come to school with no bras.

I was charmed by the first Shrek movie because it subverted some of those tropes. The princess was a real person who could save herself, they fell in love, and they stayed ogres.

Again, INCORRECT, and just like many other conspiracy theorists, you are focusing on bullshit and ignoring the stuff you should be angry about. The CIA cooperated with a Pakastani doctor to trump up a fake vaccine program that gave out only one of the required three doses of the hepatitis b vaccine in order to gain