
The most confusing part of all this is I basically don’t have a clue which people are ironically excited for Knack II, and which ones aren’t.

if you’re an adult with not much interest in playing with/against other people, is this worth checking out? A more cerebral melee combat game sounds kind of interesting.

I think Double XP wins this round.

Godzilla never dies.

A few of those pictures are from NJ (looking straight at where I am currently sitting.)

Right? I’m exactly the same, I tried Overwatch for a while, think its a great game, but I don’t enjoy multiplayer games for long. Loved SRIV, hadn’t paid any attention to this thinking it was their attempt at the hero team based multiplayer genre. Thinking this’ll be an instant buy for me tonight.

And everyone’s mind was blown. And asked, “How could this have happened?”. And scratched their head at the sheer random nature of humanity, for if one could not predict this, what other surprises and horrors awaited us in the coming days?

lol, yeah - outsource bugfixes AND DRM to the modders. Outsource the pre-funding, and Hell, have them submit assets while they’re at it in exchange for their name in the credits. Maybe every Wednesday, we’ll have fans submit code for introducing new mechanics and we’ll select one lucky winner to have their code

So they’re basically the people of Pawnee.

Props to burps25 for calling this last month.

Boy would it be nice if we civilian off-road enthusiasts had access to such machinery—it would make our mud-pit extraction operations a heck of a lot more interesting.

I absolutely agree with Atlus and the content protection laws on this. Streaming the gameplay in a game like this can really hurt sales more than with other types of games.

Here’s a handy guide for how to react:

fun fact; the little spots on the Corvette’s rear window are tiny Corvette logos.

Prudent of publications to not buy and publish the photos. Publishing images of people in bed without their consent has bankrupted publications before.

Loved that Lando Vannata spin kick, but more importantly, I loved the cut kick that set it up.

I can’t decide which is worse. The President-Elect’s family thinking that their son MAYBE having autism is worthy of a defamation lawsuit, or the President-Elect’s family using intimidation tactics against an autistic teenager who was trying to convince people to leave their son’s behavior alone.

You’d get an extra hat for... just the tip?
*snickers and runs*