
Not even five seconds.

Literally anything that you need to adjust while the vehicle is in motion.

This is merely a “report” and not substantiated facts. There have been all kinds of reports, and this is latest one. There is no reason to think it’s any more valid than the others, especially given the expertise required. Writers should verify before acting as if it is true, and that is the case here. The writer is

When you have 30 entities, it’s not a big deal to go to 29 because one bought up another. When that’s gone on for years, and you’re down to lets say 5 entities, it’s an inherently bigger deal for one to buy up another and take that number down to 4; the same value exists across those 5 as existed across the 30, but

Alan Moore is rolling in his coffin.

I have heard several Devil’s Advocate arguments that are causing me to reexamine (note: not fully reverse) my sympathies for Hellena Taylor.


“You’re the villain because you let me do this.  I’m doing this because I need to be stopped,” is some straight up super-villain shit.  Fuck this guy.

He might be saying he ‘wants to get caught’ so that the ‘exploit gets fixed’, but fucking up people’s games is not how to do that. Just because you say you have noble purpose doesn’t mean you aren’t being an asshole.

Good. Fuck ‘em. 

That helmet looks like those colossally stupid things people put on the front of their jeeps to make them look “angry”.

I’m so white I called the cops on my dryer for stealing my socks.

Sensing a grave disturbance of the Farce — the invisible ties that bind all politicians together — a nearly 80-year-old Joe Lieberman rouses himself from watching episodes of Vera on Acorn with a simple phrase:

I’d go so far as to say that it’s incredibly f2p friendly. The only content a f2p player might struggle with is the abyss and that’s only a tiny piece of very optional content and, even then, they’ll be able to clear it eventually. Constellations are mostly unnecessary too, but if you’re careful with your free

Lowering world level is definitely there with being a good QoL change. getting new characters and super excited to use them but not having resources to level them up is painful. it’ll take at least 2-3 weeks of grinding to level and by that time, the shine of being excited is long gone.

lowering world level will be a godsend for me! I don’t play enough to manage to level up a full party at a fast enough rate to keep up with world tier. Most world tier just happened automatically too so if you didn’t level up properly, you are fucked.

There’s an easy solution here people. Stop buying 2k games.

“aw hell our main company did a bad again, time to hit the horny button.”
- Blizzard Marketing Dept.

Even if he did tell people to take valid action against allegations, and even if those people then failed to follow through or do what they were told, the responsibility still rests on the one giving the orders. I do a fair amount of project management at my job, and if one of the developers on a project fails to