
t.Elliot Rodger Syndrome

Asian men don’t deserve Asian wives? Sure.

Example below...aka a beta male.

... pajama boys?

That study is about America. What part of “worldwide”don’t you grasp?

A few weeks after the incident, the plaintiffs in the case asked that none of the footage of their performance or their kid’s reaction to said performance be used...

See, you don’t even know the questions to ask. Have you ever been in a fight ‘hard guy’? The problem with idiots like you spouting off about shit they don’t know anything about: they get embarrassed so easy. Are you blushing now?

Do you know what a crime of passion is fucko?

Why the fuck are you leaping into this loco? Out of meth?

Fuck off, you apologist piece of shit.


Pic related is you when bombshells are released lad.

Yes... Yes gøyyïmm, shield yourself from stark, soul crushing realities 白左.

Timothy was a Christian that later renounced his Christianity from prison. At the time of the attack he committed, though? He was a practicing Christian. Thus, a Christian terrorist.

The vast majority of terrorism worldwide is commit by white europeans whom are generally Christian.

no it fucking isn’t. Read a fucking book, holy shit.

Almost 40% of Muslims worldwide believe that honor killings are okay.

With the stories about the Manchester bombing and people like Sean hannity, I think for my own sanity, I might go on a media blackout.

As a person of color and a Hillary supporter/voter, these triggerings are really compromising my lithium medication.