
Following me on Jez will get you nowhere you freak. In fact, it’ll get you banned.

Thanks for the star, ya’ evil fuck! Dismissed.

Officially a terrorist attack. Suicide bomber...and they have recovered ball bearings that were used as shrapnel. So fucking awful

The religion of pieces!

No offense, but why the delay with this story? Thought you guys would have it a lot sooner.

Smells like Islam to me. Thank you president Trump for taking a stand against this poisoned religion. They’re now targeting mass number of children!

Way to show those 12 year old girls who’s boss. Monsters.

Friendly reminder that “Locomotive Jones” is a well-known racist troll. Do not engage, do not ungrey, thanks.

A concert that is likely 80% 9-15 year old girls.

Or all the women sold like cattle, and gang raped, by ISIS fighters.

Folks, please dimiss...


This makes me so ill. The children screaming. I can’t get it out of my head. And at an Ariana Grande concert no less. This is sickening.

Jesus Fucking Christ. If it is a deliberate attack (and signs point to yes, if the note on CNN that there was a controlled explosion of a second device is correct, but we’ll see), I finally, finally am feeling bleak about humanity. Yes, it’s taken this long. The dead and injured are likely girls 10-13. And yes, I

Damn. I have teenage nieces that love Grande. The thought of teens trying to escape without the help of their parents guts me.

What an absolutely beautiful religion.

This is so sad. It takes a sick, cowardly asshole to go after concert goers, specifically when they re mostly kids and their families.

Police have carried out a controlled explosion on what was a second suspected device, thankfully confirmed to have been clothing and not another bomb that simply failed to function.