Vassago Gamori

How about The Unclefuckin' Spider-Man!

Plus guys who hump buffalo can have a beer summit with a traffic cone!

Are these thin pudding skin type singles and slices of processed cheese food made from the actual body of the Jebus approved President?
Do the true believers who take Trump communion achieve mystical union with their Loud and Saver?
Is his piss their wine?

In the finale of the series, Cricket slaughters them all…

Just as long as Medusa can strangle and flense any mere meatbag human with those crimson tresses…

Was it really that much of a screw-up when it turned out to be the most memorable moment out of the entire stultifying dull parade of self-congratulatory attentitlemention whores squealing with delight about their golden dildoman trophies?

Good News: E. Buzz Miller is alive.
Bad News: His mental issues, deceptions, sockpuppet fiance.

Fuck You, Beauregard SwampRat.

Claude Balls 'n Old Twitchy Bald Guy drop their last deuce to much applause.

…less chapped ass.

If you got a throbbing vein in your forehead while trying to lay some cable: don't strain, you risk blowing out an 0-ring.

…was hopin' for a The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover kinda roasting.

Yes, I’m sure that we’ll meet soon
in the many mansions of the moon
no place dead cold will we find there
just eternal June with weather fair
as we go ride upon the big balloon
floating for many mansions of the moon…

…ephemeral moments scrutinized by doltish observers ad infinitum;
passing seconds analyzed and magnified by empty banal optics of dullards
feeding critical trifles on personal quirks vulturizing the meat parade;
when the sad truth is:
everybody looks idiotic monkey trained seal stupid as tard however they clap.

Satisfying, like the others; enough so that the actual movie need not be seen.

…like he's grunting away on a toidy trying to birth some poo babies.

When in Aruba, i like to share arugula with belugas.

Hey late arrivals to the thread,
be sure to enjoy the desperate repetetive unfunny comments from a crowd of clueless corpses all deader than Daryl…;-)

Moreso if the neighborhood takes pride and keeps the Fuckstick clean.

Make it slow.