Vassago Gamori

Is that stuff flammable?
(just askin' for a friend)

I have a large sea shell collection which I keep scattered on beaches all over the world. Maybe you've seen it.

Sergeant Sphincter really wants to be Admiral Asshole,
but no matter how hard he tries
still remains just Buck Private Fuckwit…

Watters never concerns himself with any crimes against humanity, only with crimes against Hannity.

Are you for "real" and simply expressing your deeply "held" beliefs?

Roger Ailes has returned and offered comfort to females in the community of a certain age who may have been offended.

…she did have that hamburger positioned just perfectly between her inner thighs.

Prez Trump's fave by the Nuge:

…he meant voice of Gingrich, not the lil' dead girl.

…must be written with feces all over kibu88's walls.

…this is the way that the sorcerers say,
they say good night,
say good night to the world…

He prefers "Toilethelmet."

Turns out that Pu pu platter you're raving about is really a Cleveland Steamer…

…and whosoever shall be found
without the soul for getting down
must stand and face the hounds of hell
and rot inside a corpse's shell.
The foulest stench is in the air,
the funk of forty thousand years
and grizzly ghouls from every tomb
are closing in to seal your doom
and though you fight to stay alive,
your body starts to

Fist-O helped She-Man to blossom.

Giddy Up, Oom Poppa Oom Poppa Mow Mow

…and then they realize they murderered her with convergences of high metabolisms sucking too much oxygen outta the room.

Smoke some DMT in the elevator he died in.
…and if the elevator tries to bring you down
Go crazy - punch a higher floor…

Still have a softspot for Dolly in Best Little Whorehouse in Texas

Dead Ramones outnumber dead Beatles.