Vassago Gamori

"…yet when the corpse of Nicholson is transformed into a marvel of methane roiling, boner fart carcass jet-ski engineering extraordinaire; it is those very same intangible endearing character traits that shall make his monster bloat fart machine remains a zepplinesque thing of sublime beauty as he bounces along the

"Survival kit contents check. In them you'll find: one forty-five caliber automatic; two boxes of ammunition; four days' concentrated emergency rations; one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and

So if your transcendences are folded back on either side of the front opening of your ego, a being equal to the normal zero yet containing multitudes and paradox, but not able to express much beyond comical self-aggrandizement—whence shall blossom forth more inspiring aspects of your platform as befits any would be

Soylent Red and Soylant Rot in conjunction with Soylent Green, for a well-balanced Soylent Experience…

Dismaland's vast expansion has begun.

Harvest all the fear memes, pander like a fothermucker, deceive, abuse, manipulate, repeat; demand anointing by virtue of personality cult swarming in delusional, simplistic, hostile, pathetic, laughable half-assed worldviews encapsulated in defiant lack of vision…

Cool and refreshing. Doctors who smoke recommend this brand.

Everybody wants to rule the mad sex packets world.

Requiescat in Pace, Bernie Worrell
Thanks for all the funk and fun.
In my imaginary heaven, the Mothership took you straight to Prince & Bowie and the other new arrivals for the ongoing ultimate jam session…

Jesus Chrysler drives a Dodge…

…all the devils do the work of god
in this season of the world's demise…

Awake,chaos:we have napped.

I was on a crashing airplane.
The old man next to me was praying.
Down and down we went.
I started hitting the old man with a
rolled up magazine, yelling:
"Pray harder, old man !"

Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life —the hologram experience, coming soon…

"Њена материца била неплодна пустиња у којој је моја семе нису могли наћи куповину"

…don't get Fuld again.

"Impressive. Most impressive…You have controlled…Now, release… "

Ron Jeremy came in class today…

Song of the South will make it into the Criterion Collection !

…check pop rivets' urethra.