Vassago Gamori

Pornographic feline explosions…

All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense…

Stride Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb ?

Thanks for the reminder.
Introduced this program to the children; they love blowing stuff up real good.

…it is only a misfire when you can't get the app to git stuf blowed up real good.

I'll say they they do!
i find it conflicting.
On the one hand—monstrous genocidal abominations…
…on the other hand—lookin' sharp, real snazi !.

They're saving them for one of the movies that takes place between TESB & ROTJ…

One hell of a dancer that droid is…

But Sharon, can you ride Lori's fartcarcass like a jet ski and still make money ?

Any footage of Dooneese Maharelle Trumplethinskinz the Cheetos Clown munching these things yet ?

…eyes have all the seeming of a neon demon that is dreaming…

Its the Taco Bell Canon.

Where the fuck did Monday go…

“The thing’s hollow…it goes on forever…and…oh my stars ! …it’s full of God !”

He's seen the future, brother:
it is murder.

ALIEN: Throbbing Gristle
ALIEN: Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel

An eye-candy masterpiece hindered by short-bus script issues for sure; cautiously optimistic for the next one showing improvement.

All the little life forms
Upon this little earth
Multiplying dying and
Returning through rebirth

We can be like they are. Come on baby…

As do all deserve death as the final gift from life, the inevitability that greets all flesh, for we are born for dying. We are all short-timers and we get what anyone gets: we get a lifetime. We all got it coming. From dead babies to corpses of old folks, the spectrum of death's enveloping embrace triumphs,