Vassago Gamori

Tell me, are you Top Doc mama? You sure look that way to me…

I feel the same about "synergy."


What is it that makes a complete stranger dive into an icy river to save a solid gold baby? Maybe we'll never know.

Hang in there Han, every crisis of faith has the potential of leading to deeper epiphany.

"Yelchin’s soulful stare sometimes brought to mind a stoned Elijah Wood"
Not sure that is really a worthy universal association to toss into an obit.
But i suppose it amused Barsanti or Vishnevetsky.
Requiescat in pace, Anton Yelchin. Your soulful stare was solely your own.

After the splash, Kanye's left with a rash.
Her ass writes a check that his dick can't cash.

Remember initially being disappointed at what was left out, but Yelchin & Hopkins performance together more than made up for the absence of those aspects of the tale.

I agree.
Before his name finally stuck in my head, his appearances would prompt a variation of thoughts along the line of: "This guy, cool, he always does a good job."

It's fine lines all the way down.
See also: breath/death, humor/tumor, annoyance/forgiveness.
Thanks for taking the edge off with Mr. Oates.
Those sorts of things are one of the reasons A.V.Club has the best comment section on the web.

When his severed head is taken out of the toilet and artfully placed upon a stick in a monkey cage, the apes will use it as a target when they fling poo, and that will be subtle joke enough.

i envision him talking to his reflection in a mirror, drunk on smug self-satisfaction.

it's a fine line between stupid and clever

Block your cock with sharp rock.

…or Top Secret!

Argg. I had forgotten Hearts In Atlantis. He was wonderful in that one.
We watched that big-hearted kid grow up on screen didn't we ? He had skills.

Requiescat in pace, Anton Yelchin.
Damn, and double damn.
You were great in Huff, and a fine Chekov, and excellent in Only Lovers Left Alive and really seemed an earnest genuine nice guy who took his craft seriously.
In some other parallel universe, you get to be an old man, and not depart so soon, at the age of those

To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kind of scary. I've wondered where this started and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus, and a clown killed my dad.

…for breasts are the eyes of the chest.
