Vassago Gamori

Hmm, now that i think about it, sure seems like there are a lot of Frank Booths running around these days…

"Don't be a good neighbor to her. I'll send you a love letter, straight from my heart, fucker ! You know what a love letter is ? It's a bullet from a fucking gun, fucker ! You receive a love letter from me, you're fucked forever ! You understand, fuck ? I'll send you straight to hell, fucker !"

Bond asks himself only two questions:
"Do i fuck it or kill it ?"
"Do i fuck it and kill it ?"


Requiescat in pace Attrell Cordes.
Take your art deco halo.
In some imaginary heaven Prince Be is greeted by Prince…

Insipid ? More a measured idealism. They don't need to paint targets on themselves. The types who would attempt to murder listeners likely would have no qualms about killing the band.

Is that a vote for Cars 2 Ms. Covington ?

Two and a half minutes? He can't last that long. Behind his back, the ladies who have known the orange horror of Donald rogering call him: "One-pump Trump."

…and where is your please and thank you Ms. Covington ?

…and she was beautiful in that bra! I'm crazy about her! I love her whole free swinging, free wheeling attitude!

“Your head's like mine, like all our heads; big enough to contain every god and devil there ever was. Big enough to hold the weight of oceans and the turning stars. Whole universes fit in there! But what do we choose to keep in this miraculous cabinet? Little broken things, sad trinkets that we play with over and

Expectations…they're soul black dark on the far shore…and there's this smell!

Hire him as the new James Bond, and then also change James Bond's name, just so we can hear:
"The name is Loaf. Meat Loaf."
…and to hear an amorous Loaf girl breathily say:

The Day the Clown Cried in reality can never live up to The Day the Clown Cried of the mind.

As civilization's collapse progresses and cannibalism becomes a new norm business model, Chicken Fried Kentuckians will be popular.

“Many people in this world are always looking to science to save them from something. But just as many, or more, prefer old and reputable belief systems and their sectarian offshoots for salvation. So they trust in the deity of the Old Testament, an incontinent dotard who soiled Himself and the universe with His

Set adrift on memory bliss and given an art deco halo…
Requiescat in pace Attrell Cordes.
In some imaginary heaven Prince Be meets Prince…

Marmaduke and Howard Huge after a lustful loving rendezvous ?

"Among the team of superheroes, his power was the least envied. As The Human Sponge, he had the ability to absorb the emotions of people nearby and make them his own - to the point of actually forgetting that what he was feeling did not originate with him. While his fellow crime fighters fought evil by hurling bolts

Requiescat in pace, Lois Duncan.
Thanks for being one of the authors i dug as a young teenager.
Yes, your book was way better than the shyt movie they made.
In my imaginary heaven, you are reunited and enjoying a long astral hug with Kaitlyn.