Vassago Gamori

Not to be confused with The Laying Cable Guy

MurderMan and Killboy ?

I heard she married an agrarian, so now there's a farmer in Adele.

He opted for plumbing the depths and rolling in the deep.

Its a passive-aggressive method of saying: "I'm not sorry at all, don't want to apologize, but greasing the wheels of social lubrication dictates i offer these words."

The definitional spectrum of "Nice Guy" is quite a bit older and vaster than that particular johnny-come-lately association..;-)

Adele seemed to care..;-)

I am become Error, the denier of worlds.

…wasting quarters on that dang Pong game !

Maybe the individual did not relate permission or interest in witnessing the tug.

…and thank you both for a much needed vicarious release of simpatico rage.

Thank you for your comment. It spared me from the irrational urge to spew some roiling inchoate vulgarity at the guy.

He always seems to play a variation of the same game: wandering in whistling 'tsk-tsk' at first, then starts throwing poo around, some folks engage, then he pretends he wasn't tossing shyt, and starts whistling 'tsk-tsk' again while calling people names.

When i saw his name in the string earlier, i was hoping he wouldn't do what he does. So much for hope. 'lightandtruth' and his upvoting sockpuppet 'blackmask' are at it again flinging a bunch of poo where folks might prefer to grieve.

Primal scream, a walk in the sun, petting a cat or a dog, hugging a loved one…i don't know either.

Idiot child inside still dreams of possible futures evolving into something, anything better beyond this murderous hellworld some factions want to create.

It would be wonderful to see some kind of formal tribute, with a "best-of" his words; he was so damn good.


So very well said indeed:

Shirley Eaton is alive and 79 years of age.