Vassago Gamori

For some reason, i envision you talking to your reflection in a mirror.

The spectrum of empathy is as diverse as humanity.

I always think of John Lennon when i hear or read "fook."

Actually, matchhead ammo creations aren't dopey as hell; they are dangerous as hell.
Back in college, some buddies and i made any number of highly effective pipe bombs, and even a bazooka with an electrical trigger switch that utilized a matchhead payload. We were just experimenting, no nefarious purposes, but very

In my imaginary heaven, John Lennon and Dimebag Darrell {and other sadly similars} are there to greet Christina, and take her to meet Prince & Bowie and join the eternal jam session…

It is a dense forest, full of heartsickness and pain.

In the Mouth of Madness HC was…

A true gentleman. The Thing's thing is between him and Alicia Masters and there's nothing weird about it…

"…garage-prog, pop-punk, metal, bluesy jams, and throwback alt-grunge,"
-aka: Nu-bro Tardcore

…and the heavenly exquisite Julie Christie.

Twiki is that you ?

Ming the Meticulous

“Almost there…almost there…”

The Goldblum Variations brundlefly me to the moon.

"Buddha, what a fuckwit."

Plus the neon sign on the gate read: "Haevin" and some of the letters were burned out. That place…i don't think i wanna go back to that place.

Next week HBO will be rounding the corners to where the fudge is made. Next month, an in depth exploration of the Chinese penchant for urination in cola beverages…

Alex Maleev does Bendis many many favors…

The hundredth monkey is a texture addict swimming in a sea of creamed corn…:-)

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest…