
Buy an AIM soldier. Repaint it. Rip off a movie Star-Lord head. Dremel the hair off and sculpt a helm. Voila.

This is a pretty typical Spider-Man pose though...

I'd be more interested if they came unpainted. Although, I realize I'm likely in the minority there.

"It's $19 for Marvel Legends figures that are WAY cooler...."

Yep we're on opposite sides on that as well. I love Mass Effect despite ME3 kind of shitting the bed in the last quarter of the game. I even enjoyed the MP. I don't expect everyone to have liked it though.

Well, I really enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins personally. I thought the sequel sucked balls.

So much Cosplay from such a terrible game...

I'm just hoping that Hollywood's takeaway from this isn't that Batista from the WWE has talent and needs to be in more films.

Not going to comment on the content of the video as a don't believe anyone cares about my opinion.

*Looks up from his controller*

I don't know...that's kind of a classic Spider-Man pose. It's just that his ass isn't shaped like that.

Disclaimer: I have played Infamous 3, but not First Light.

I choose to view this as what The Force Unleashed was to Star Wars. An over the top interpretation that exists solely for my amusement and not to enrich or expand the Tolkien mythos.

It's kind of sad how quickly Gawker bent over because they had porn posted in their comments section. Now most comments are stuck "pending."

I'm consciously avoiding watching Tokyo Ghoul because I'm balls deep in the manga. Is it worth checking out or am I safe sticking to B&W?

Newsflash: fedora douche seeks acceptance by randomly attacking popular show/movie/book.

DDoS armada > My need for Warframe U14 puppy love

I feel like you missed the point because it was literally everything you're complaining about.

I think most people who have not read the manga have already written off Akame Ga Kill! as a typical shounen. There are shounen elements in the beginning, but with episode 7's ending and the way this latest arc is going to wrap up people will start to understand that what people loved about Attack on Titan is in AGK

"I realise 65% of the sample were women, but who's to say women don't enjoy a gripping action series? This poll apparently..."