
Why on Earth did anyone think that a Zelda Dynasty Warriors needed to exist period?

None of these allow me to transform into a Mech midfight...

That's all well and good. How many of those planets will be the same, but with a different color palette? How many will be actually want to visit?

"Stop objectifying us!"

Yes...when you look at something from lines that offer something completely different you get something completely different. It makes perfect sense.

Wtf do you people expect from 3.75 inch GI Joe line? Its not a Hot Toys fig damn.

Man...Evan. You do realize that Harley's bipolar and has a borderline personality disorder right?

No...if they were rioting they were not protesting.

Well, gee, I've had guns since I was twelve and the first thing you learn is you don't point a gun at something you don't intend on killing. I guess a twelve year old has better fire discipline than a bunch of beat cops that want to play soldier.

I see you've made the same mistake as the police. The people looting...those are rioters. The people with signs...those are protesters.


Let's think about this for a second. If Kim Kardashian died tomorrow no one would give a fuck in this community, but a lot of other people would.


I'm cool with this. Treat the Vita even worse Sony.

The Dev didn't want to bring it to XB1. Likely because of MS's reputation for messing with updates...which would be bad because DayZ is kind of sloppy and in need of constant updates.

What you're saying and the reality of the situation don't really add up. Up until today, Tomb Raider's next installment was a multiplatform title. This isn't someone betting on a losing horse.

I'm not mad. SE just saved me some money. Thanks! This is the best preorder bonus ever.

You lose a lot of dice? I don't know why this concerns you so much. Don't throw them across the room and put them back in the box when you're done. They even supply you with a baggy.

I enjoy X-Wing, but this seems...ehh. I'd be kind of pissed off if I were one of the people that bought the huge capitol ships for X-Wing and then saw this come out a few months later.

Yes...just like the X-Wing miniatures game the sides correspond to specific results in game. A hit/critical hit/evade/focus/etc etc etc. Green are defensive dice. Red are offensive dice. The number of dice rolled are decided by stats included on the specific vessel cards. It cuts down on the necessary math and