
Put them all in red masks so the noobs that call current fans noobs can all be confused.

They were up front from the start that nothing would transfer over. Did a bunch of people think they were lying or is this manufactured surprise and confusion?

You know...this would be an awesome discovery on any other day of his life as a four year old.

Can I talk about the 90's TMNT movie or the Mirage Comics/Dark Knight style TMNT movie that I've always dreamed of being a reality in my head instead?

I addressed all your "major critical points" actually. These people are invulnerable so armor is only for show. IT DOESN'T PROTECT THEM. It usually just ends up getting destroyed anyway. If I had a dollar for every single time Spider-Man's costume was in tatters I could buy back the character from Sony. It'd

Flipping it around doesn't matter to me. Put Thor in a thong. He's still fucking invulnerable. Anything he can possible put on to cover his body will be destroyed long before he does. Your argument has no basis in any sort of logic other than the fallacies you create to make yourself feel better.

Can we please get over using varying levels of cloth as an argument for combat effectiveness? Especially, when we're dealing in cosmic threats that range from blades that can cut through anything to guns that can blow up planets.

I don't care if you are being satirical. I've liked sexily drawn women since Jessica Rabbit. Not ashamed of it because you know...its not like I rub the pages against my dick or anything. Pretty sure people thought the Mona Lisa was risque back in the day too.

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. I was hoping to edit it before you read it, but I was too late apparently. Post has been changed.

Remember when shit like this was unlockable in game after a particular milestone was met or a surpassed? When seeing something like this in a friend's game was a mark of pride rather than a mark of consumer portal loyalty?

Sorry egg. I replied to you when i meant to reply to the story as a whole. deleted.

"what GTA Online is like right now, since it sounds like a really interesting world that can sometimes be plagued by mods/hackers.

I pay $4.75 for my movie going experience. Its fantastic.

All the sites will be illegal brohamus. They're scanalations so it's violating copyright laws by offering consumer products for free. That said, I either use or

I try to limit myself to $70 max personally. I feel a lot less bad about it if my clumsy hands happen to snap off something important while making pew pew noises at my desk.

Reality is perception I guess. If you cannot perceive another's reality it becomes a matter of them being unrealistic.

Most people have discretionary funds for household/car repairs, medical emergencies, vacations, deaths in the family, etc etc etc.

The things you're saying are what's amazing to me. Let me raided your savings to buy this for yourself? That's cool dude. We all work hard to buy ourselves the things we love. I'm not trying to insult you.

Yeah...$450 on an action figure is a perfect example of "managing your money."

I would take issue with calling people who can afford this "regular folks."