
Its amazing how some folks find it hard to believe that other folks making $10 an hour with no savings would want to keep working... about some Battletech Kickstarter coverage?  Need a bump to break 1.5 million.

When you have a job to do, do you generally bring the minimum amount of equipment necessary to complete said task or do you bring an answer to any problems that may pop up?

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Seems like the song is a remix of this remix? I dig it. Want the new version.

You’re in the minority. Clockwork Orange was a ground breaking book and film. It’s ok to not like something, but this is an objectively well crafted and respected IP.

Sanders just down low confirmed that God wanted Barrack Obama to win too.

I haven’t frequented Kotaku in a long time. Decided to see what you guys were up to. “Oh hey another rape/sexual abuse/they looked at me funny navel gaze” I’ll see myself out again. I'm sure some find this an enriching read though.

Oh look...racism disguised as prophetic visions. 

Communism and socialism are two really huge buzzwords for Republicans right now.

Saw Mandy last night. Once you get past the establishment of the couples relationship the movie takes off. Then once Mack from Predator showed the insanity ramped up further and never took its foot off the accelerator.

It’s really not. Knives are deadly as fuck. People seem to forget that we killed each other very efficiently with clubs for thousands of years. Then blades were invented and dominated the globe for thousands more. Human beings are blood and meat balloons. If you get into a knife fight you’re very likely going to be

How So? He drove to the home of two people. In this scenario, how is a gun more harmful than a knife in their kitchen? Think a little.

That’s what you walked away with when the actual story you should have been reading stated that he’d gone there to kill the man and not the woman?

Not really. They don’t put their kids in public schools so it’s not an issue that effects them. Therefore they don’t feel any motivation to do more than profit from the issue as best they can.

If you actually go watch an anime instead of complaining about how “it sounds” then the chances of you being called a hipster drastically decline. Educated opinions are hot on the streets right now.

Maybe a mental distinction has to be drawn in this discussion between “harassing women” and “some people on the internet don’t care if you’re a real person or not they just use whatever they can to affect your mood and bring you down to lift themselves up”

I’d say you rather adeptly asked a question and then unknowingly answered it with your odd diatribe. If this is the kind of critical thinking you’d bring to a relationship I think it’s clear why someone would prefer a doll over, say, you.

John Cena keeps missing his true film calling. Starring in a Toy Story-esque depiction of a living He-Man action figure.

I too am interested in a relationship between bland character #1 and bland character #2. The resulting loaf of white bread will once again bring peace to the galaxy...for a few years.

There is no mystery. No overarching plot. Johnson wrote TLJ while Abrams was filming TFA. They only had basic plot points to share. The new films are a dumpster fire that people are paying millions to watch live. The fact that Disney had no real plan for this trilogy is more upsetting than one mediocre movie.