
All the cool homicidal Congressmen have moved on to painting miniatures yo.

Yeah, Francis is such a Sony fanboy.

You know I usually hate the spoiler gestapo, but I kind of agree on this one. Most people have no idea this show exists.


Was it tiring traveling back into past intrepid futureman?

Visual quality isn't the only advantage of bluray.

And I'll be there. Special ordering the shit out of everything.

I do. Fuck paying for a license that can be revoked on a whim without any legal recourse.

I'm a big fan of your explosions, Mr Bay.

I'm still holding out hope that Boris the Bear comes out at the end and delivers the coup de grace to all of their stupid faces.

I think "don't shit where you eat" covers both these gentlemans' circumstances.

I wish this out of existence. It has no place in my pure world.


While its clear that you've devoted thought to your stance I don't agree. If ten mobile zombie rail shooters are the cost for one State of Decay or The Last of Us then I will pay it gladly because no one is forcing me to buy shovelware.

Ignore the zombie detractors.

"Shikoku University Junior College"


That's what Kaz is for.

Honestly, if not for the bikini top, I wouldn't have a problem with this. The man fights vampires, cyborgs, and nuclear powered robots. A few extra feet of cotton polyester blend ain't going to make much difference.

Trust me. No one bothering to read this is under the impression that either one of us is intelligent. When you argue on the internet, dig two graves.