
To be fair, they don't really get away with it either. Just fewer pitchforks and torches in that particular mob.

What if the battlefield is on the beach on a really hot day?

I see. I mistook pedantry for passion. My apologies.

I haven't played it yet so I can't speak about something like that.

I don't see how you can be confused.

Thats an amazingly self serving assessment.

Can you please stop toting the half the population line? By your logic there should be an equal amount of men and women literally every where we go on a daily basis. We both know that's not the case.

The future is apparently very bright for voyeurs and exhibitionists.

I don't think you're wrong at all, but when faced with a dick in the butt or a thorny dick in the butt I will choose the former. I'm probably biased to an extent though. I love my 360 and most people hate its UI too.

Anything's better than the PS4 UI. I thought GameStop had sold me a Chinese bootleg the first time I booted it up.

The "love" in this love story felt forced at every juncture. It was something to be skipped over instead of enjoyed as part of the plot. Ari was, arguably, the most fleshed out character in the series and yet we have Clark Lent(I mean kal-el) x Claire the living doll shoved down our throats. I was more interested

I read it. Maybe you should think about what it means to spend 300+ hours playing a game only to turn around and call it the worst game ever made. You know how much time an ordinary person with no agenda spends playing "the worst game ever made"?

Disney can do what it wants. I'm dead inside. Raping the corpse in front me will bring no more tears, Mr Mouse.

Some people can't have a good experience without a pat on the head afterwards.

Well I'm being a bit facetious since I think Ubisoft is a POS developer. I probably should have just left it at "niche" instead of trying and failing to make a joke.

Web of Shadows and Shattered Dimensions weren't good? Interesting. Well I enjoyed them.

I would like you to consider why someone might think a AA+ game to a popular movie franchise that's about to hit theaters is more "high profile" than a niche indie game.

It's nice that you're angry, but you do realize that most of the Spider-Man games released in the last decade have been pretty good. Why not wait to see if your judgments are correct before flipping out a bit?

Its petty, but the innacurate wig color is really bothering me.

I just want a YouTube app. I don't give a fuck about any of this.