
To the author of this entry and peers in the media:

I've often felt Star Wars needed about 30% more fart noises to really be counted as a cinematic gem.

Then, as a reasonable person, you can see why commenting on a video that they haven't seen is kind of unreasonable.

It matters a bit. It'd likely have a time limit imposed on it.

Not at all. You're on the internet. Home of every psychic know to man or beast. So its perfectly fine that you've developed some sort of vague sense of paranoia about a game you know very little about.

So then no sale for you:

Its substandard in comparison to the more contemporary versions, but it is the film that started it all. If it was truly horrible then a cult following wouldn't have developed around it in the first place and we never would have gotten the better cuts.

A full body leather outfit would not be a bad investment during a zombie apocalypse. That said, you have to wonder how a avant garde s&m fashion designer lived long enough to make that for her.

Yes. To the point where subtext in the original version is pretty much spelled out for the viewer in the Final Cut.

Now you just need to decide which version you want to see. There are several cuts. I'd suggest the theatrical version or the Final Cut.

I figured that's what he was talking about, but I opted to give him the benefit of the doubt since it was clear that the original poster and I never brought up the dual shock 3 or the six axis.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain. Time to die."

Who cares? Its not like either one needs MENSA level IQs to lay around all day with the odd interruption to shit or piss.

Bullshit. If you hadn't provided specific time usage I might have believed you. The battery life for a dual shock 4 lasts 7-8 hours. This has been tested by numerous reviewers.

Dude, you have to replace the dual shock 4 battery eventually too. Its just harder since Sony decided to make it internal in order to make their lazier customers straight up buy a new controller. There are tutorials on Youtube to help with this.

Do they offer the fried chicken on a pizza? That just seems like an all around better idea.

Check out the Animatrix. Specifically, the Second Renaissance shorts. Therein lies the majority of the machine back story.

I binged on this and Shin Sekai Yori(From the New World) over the last two weeks. Both great shows. I tend to tag team light hearted slice of life stuff along with heavy emotionally draining anime.

Even Houdini couldn't have pulled off the illusion that was Aliens Colonial Marines. I think this is a career path that still shows promise for Mr. Pitchford.

"This is especially true when their incandescent rage provokes them to rant ad nauseam on topics that are wholly unrelated to the concern at hand—and doubly so when said rants are rife with misspelled words, horribad syntax, and gutter-pipe logic."