
Because tribalism. People get a perverse sense of empowerment from breaking down what other people value while in a supportive group. It provides the illusion that they're "in on it" while everyone else is clueless and/or subhuman.

That face sculpt is an embarrassment sorry.

Everything you just said is indicative of the environments you've been exposed too. It is not indicative of the average home.

Perhaps he decided that price doesn't necessarily correspond to quality? Hot Toys puts out some damn good stuff, but they're also damned expensive and unless you make a habit of treating yourself REALLY well when it comes to action figures most collectors will never take that jump.

I've always been fairly 'meh' about Mignola. I'm sure someone has a well constructed list ready to espouse the virtues of his style, but I will respond with another 'meh.' Mignola can only do Mignola. He can't work a mainstream continuity in my opinion. It just ends up looking shit.

When someone types a one sentence post throwing out a word like mysogyny its a big clue that you're wasting your time responding to it.

Mmm. I'm sorry sir, but did you just complain about graphic material for the sole purpose of shock value in a Garth Ennis comic book? Perhaps its time for a Snickers?

I wanted to burn Hollywood to the ground for daring to touch Romero's opus, but I'm a sucker for horror so I gave it a chance.

Methinks you doth protest too much...

Uh oh. Someone just confused what a celebrity does to make money with who they are as a person again.

If you're an Aliens fan then its worth it just for the statue. Its a quality piece of plastic.

I think maybe you should read the actual article. If you did you'd have seen that he's just copying well known techniques that are plastered around the internet. He even cites the people he's emulating.

You could have trimmed down your second post by just typing, "exploitation is good, integrity is for idiots, and I like turtles."

I really like her with short hair. Just not enough to, you know, post about it in a comment on a video or story that has nothing to do with hair.(shit I just did didn't I?) Generally more concerned with the things she's saying. She's hilarious with her bro on Co-Optitude and also very good when she guests on Table

Hmm. Well this news has sprayed shit all over my sails.

People have different opinions on value. Hard to believe I know.

From what I've read it's difficult to get rights to import goods into your country. This has created something of a gated import community that allows them to set their own prices above and beyond MSRP on "luxury" items.

Except that if he hasn't been strong in the Force he would have died screaming and smoking with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru because they made an unfortunate purchase.

I prefer how they handled the child in the comic. Its a dumb idea to have a baby with them and it'd completely overwhelm any other possible plot they throw into the show.

Something they don't impart to the audience very well in the films is that there's a battle happening off screen in every Jedi fight.