
The problem is that people going to and posting on VG news sites and blogs don't usually play these types of games.

Most people are jerks at least 30% of their waking lives.

I've just gotten back into collecting with the Star Wars Black 6" line and the recent Amazing Spiderman 2 Marvel Legends wave. Hasbro has been improving IMO.

Must be tiring having to build that straw man all by yourself?

The stereotypes you're throwing around in this thread are depressing. Please stop.

I see Remember Me and Cerebus from ME3.

Was I the only person that liked Robotech: Battlecry?

Armored Core killed Armored Core in the west.

Brilliant self promotion or shortsighted invititation to years of civil court with bitter neckbeard entrants?

I think this is the most underwhelming thing I have ever seen. Like my eyes are golf clapping.

"it's only males accusing women of being fake geek girls for daring to encroach on their precious widdle boys club"

I don't care what anyone else thinks. I'm riding the Cage train until it completely derails.

It could have been a lot worse. I'm not going to automatically shit on it like a lot of The Internet Cools are doing.

You know I could have just copy/pasted your entire post on a tea party website and replaced, maybe, ten words total and it would have gotten a thousand likes?

Sackhoff did a few interviews stating that Dahl was always straight, but she fronted as a lesbian to keep unwanted attention from the mainly male company she kept at bay.

Let me get this straight...

I could be remembering this wrong, but I believe in the special features he explains that he had to use his own money to get this movie made. I can forgive him for the budget and the lackluster second half out of respect for his passion for the franchise and scifi/fantasy in general. Honestly, I think if Dahl had been

It was a stealth based game. Corridors and linear play are sort of par for course. Besides the fact took place in a prison.

So the three well written female characters in Pitch Black and one(Vaako's wife, not femme Jack) in Chronicles don't count because they botched Sackhoff's character?

I talked a friend of mine into picking this up on the Xbox marketplace for $5 last week.