
I'm very impressed by the skill with which you dismiss the features in a game you've never played. Protect this power. Others will come for it in time.

This is a stupid statement. Exclusive has always been thrown around. PC is not a console. PC is, and has always been, exempt from the "exclusivity wars" because it has no part in the "console wars."

You people are letting this console war get to your heads already. That's a (possibly) functional pre release XB1. I'd snatch that shit in a second if Prominent Brow Suit Man wasn't looming.

She wanted to do it. So she did.

Now if only I could use the Xbox One controller with the PS4...

Post here if you were converted from your Xbox by this E3.

I have been a Xbox Gold subscriber for almost seven years. I owned the original X-Box. I have owned three separate 360's.(no, not because they broke) I do not like Sony as a company. I tend to not like their products.

It does doesn't it? Says that I'm a caring person since I'll be wearing a hat I know you'll enjoy eating.

"If I'm wrong I'll be happy to eat the nearest hat."

They already said it wasn't man...

The paid crowd. Don't believe the applause or cheering at any of these sorts of presentations. Most of the crowd is composed of jaded press people that wouldn't cheer for anything less than a new Zelda game.

I'm just here to lick up the fresh tears. Let it flow...

Some of the people here are prime examples of why Sony hasn't released clear and official statements regarding this issue.

And yet, someday, you and Kevin Conroy will die. Batman will not.

You're answering your own question. Why build a time machine to go back in time to make sure everything happens as it should? Because the time machine was always built and the timeline they came from is the result. Perhaps it's these actions that have become stuck in a loop...perhaps that's Future Alec's goal. To remember the name of that guy that invented the wheel?

I like his stuff, but there are common themes in his design that are... derivative is a nicer word than copied right?

Twitter isn't fit for polite society. I really wish it would go away. I yearn for the days when we were all able to go about our business blissfully unaware that we were surrounded by assholes that think and write like 3rd Graders.

Sup troll.

Ever considered disabling comments on these stories Kotaku? I read them and I get immediately depressed by how fucking far people have their heads up their asses on this issue.