
There's a cure for not knowing things. It's called the internet. You're on it right now. Perhaps you should have utilized the tools at hand before posting a question that you could have answered yourself in less than three minutes?

Haven't you noticed the running theme in Defiance? Almost every episode has some sort of folky cover of an 80's/90's song. Pretty sure they're doing it on purpose.

The problems you listed can be a bit abstract for some folks. Much easier to complain about the pretty pictures not being as pretty as they'd hoped.

So instead of talking to her boss as an adult she chose to waste company assets for a childish prank and then post about it in a public forum where potential investors, industry peers, and customers can read all about it?

Does the rarity of the Mayenite limit the practical applications of this find? Or is "rare" being used to describe the type of mineral?

"She's closed off discussion or heavily moderated them for years and opened the floodgates for her kickstarter campaign by leaving THAT videos comments open and unmoderated."

Pro tip for Anita when her third video comes out sometime next year: If you're going to depict a game in your videos then you should check to see if it has a sequel that directly shits all over whatever you had to say about the first game.

It's "pop" not "soda." If you want a "Soda" I suggest you invent a time machine and venture backwards into the annals of history with all the loose change you can muster.

I remember seeing a video of a man that happened upon a dying animal in the road. He stood there filming for a moment and you could see it's belly oddly moving. After a while a, IIRC, Komodo dragon slithers out of the animal's asshole. It was a large mammal maybe an elephant?

All of the things you just listed have been found in the greater animal kingdom as well. There are no innocents in the jungle. They've already been eaten and shit out before their species could branch.

Not a damn one. I value the opinions of my friends above strangers, but they aren't my friends because we agree on everything.

"So what happens if Sony suddenly announces that the PS4 will have heavy restrictions for used games? Riots, perhaps."

Mmm...two half hour videos in a year with $160,000 as funding. This is basically just a clip show with a gender agenda. Money well spent Kickstarter backers.

What was that echo chamber? Everything I say, think and do is correct?

I understood you had your opinion and you're entitled to it.

Who gives a shit about your PS3 or your 360?

It has less to do with consumerism and more to do with your judgement.

Kotaku, and Gawker in general, bash everything that doesn't immediately have universal support from their readers. They bagged on the PS4 reveal too. Just not as much...mostly because the Sony fanboys on Kotaku are a lot more pathetic than the Xbox fanboys on Kotaku. I'm pretty sure the Sony fanboys on Kotaku are

There's one issue that no one's bringing up in all these Bashtaku articles.

It amazes me that you're aware that both systems lack BC, but you're criticizing MS and making excuses for Sony. Self awareness man. It's what separates us from the Wii U owners.