
If you'll recall...most of Luke's friends from Tatooine would have been TIE pilots since they attended the Imperial Academy. He might have killed some.

TIE Fighters were post Clone Wars designs. So this goes for Imperial pilots and Storm Troopers alike. Almost exclusively natural born humans of mixed genders. Most clones died well before the events of the original trilogy.

Short answer to the question posed in the title: Not without a condom and a bottle of Purel on stand by.

Much better to vote for Romney and his surprise grab bag of policies we'll find out about after he gets in office. Just shut up and look at his family and the celebrity endorsements right? Wasn't this the EXACT thing that Republicans attacked Obama over during his first election run?

Captain Dead Eyes

How about the flipside? His uncanny ability to make people believe he's the devil and the cause of all the country's ills while remarkably, according to them, doing nothing at all...

I managed to use punctuation.

That's probably after five million. The studio heads need new lamborghinis after all.

I wasn't trying to do anything, but fuck expect me to read that wall of text? I'll just say you're right instead ok? Be more concise please.

These are supposed to be war machines. The spindly legs and the contact points on the "feet" are obvious structural weaknesses that would be exploited by opposing forces. Take out one leg and those robots are scrap with no stable firing platform. The error in conceptual design here, in my opinion, is the artists

Fair enough.

Your argument suffers the pitfalls of most rhetoric. You result to extremes in behavior as your model.

Maybe instead of appealing to a bunch of strangers to enact inane sanctions against other strangers for the benefit of still more strangers you could go to the source of the problem?

Just imagine how sad it is that people are checking these out...

His feet designs are kind of ridiculous...especially with the size of the cannons he's putting on his mecha. Unless they're supposed to fold up into a platform when firing.

It's really hard to tell the difference between propaganda and reality when you're living it. Look around the US for instance...

They should edit out whatever money she'd get from Japanese ticket sales too.

Dawnguard was good. If you like Skyrim it's worth it.

I was writing a book exactly like this except without aliens just after high school. Tech to increase strength, speed, and durability was developed to aid a war in the Middle East.(pre-9/11 since this was back in '99)

Imperial Guard though