
Concept art for the concept art god!

Behold netizens! The Ouroboros. A franchise that was built on ripping off comics and movies has, once again, committed to a Metal Gear Solid movie. The snake has begun to devour it's own tail.

You're not a big fan of writing about video games are you Mr. Hamilton? I could just be enforcing my own bias here, but it seems like all you've done lately is post about some sort of social issue and weakly tie it into video games in order to get it up on Kotaku.

Must be hard to see with your eyes closed man. They had a female human Green Lantern. Her name's Jade.

"Better than Kasumi and Arrival, on par with Ashes, not as good as Shadow Broker

Anyone that's going to play ME3 has played ME3.

Sounds like collectoritis to me. I too have been stricken by this affliction. Now I live by a, mostly, simple rule. No new business until all old business has been closed. :)

Fair enough. I, personally, don't see a point in doing something unless it's difficult. A game is supposed to be a challenge in my mind.

Is there a breakdown for the Genesis?

We have arrived!

I'm fine with this. As long as people who pay money to get ahead or cheat, if you want to call it that, have to sacrifice something like Achievements, Trophies, or hell...have a scarlett 'A' pasted on their avatar/mii/home whatevermajig?

/wistful sigh

"Are they the target audience for high-end keyboards too? What about expensive mice? How about high-end monitors?"

Giorgiacosplay stole my heart.

I'll give it a chance if SyFy does.

Mmm...I'd venture to say that considering his choices of Oola and Leia...yeah he was.

And if I was wearing nothing, but a loin cloth and body paint in public I'm sure you'd think it was totally radical. You'd look on without comment until your eyes bled from my majesty.

The producer of Heroes and the director of Green Lantern. Man, SyFy is just hitting all their marks with this one.

This review fails to list the biggest down side to buying this headset. Your significant other will kill you in your sleep if they ever get their hands on the receipt.

Fighting blanket statements with a blanket statement? Don't know if that's any more valid chummer.