
I think people are fixating on the ending. I don't hear a whole lot of complaining about how much shorter and lacking in content than ME and ME2 this game is.

Flipped him. Flipped him for real.

Squirtle Squirtle!

I see a lot of arguments framed in terms of, "should they or shouldn't they."

I don't know. Is it?

Considering a lot of the comments I've been reading this was not a good week to start this back up. :)

This is probably a dumb and thoroughly unhelpful question, but when was the last time you cleared your cache?

No one's saying that the PS3 base is small. You do have to admit that multi platform release sales do not match up to PS3 first party sales. Specifically, the ME franchise fanbase is huge on the 360 and PC. Not so much on the PS3.

I've had no problems so far.

Devs look at the higher attach rate on the 360(plus easy port to PC) and see where the money/time should be focused. As others have's really weird to blame every single dev studio while completely ignoring Sony's culpability. Accept that without Sony's poor decisions this would not be an issue for Devs or

This gentleman should not be writing his own speeches.

"Cliffy "Triple A Game Mindless Cover Shooter" B"

I enjoyed the original Fable...that's about it. Maybe a change of environment will justify the amount of attention he gets. I have no experience with his previous PC games.

damn...typo. I meant it WASN'T entirely terrible.

Captain America was entirely terrible.

I remember some of the final Boris issues(that I read anyway) taking place in space and then the series suddenly dying out of no where. It crushed me as a kid.

Mmm see now I tried that to see if it helped and unless I'm doing something horribly wrong that just takes you a step back to the import screen so you can choose one of the other three possible imports.

Haters and hipsters raging against the machine. Being a rebel on the internet is just a dream.

Just started playing it. Amazon had it waiting for me when I got off of work.

It's usually for anxiety. I have a couple friends that have it prescribed to them. They're grown ass men and they take less than a milligram of the stuff. Puts them to sleep.