
Mother fuckin' Boris the Bear!!!! Oh man I loved him. It's been ages since I've read that. Didn't he dress up like the Punisher and kill a bunch of indie characters? Including the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

Oh Valiant. I miss you.

I have no problem with this.

Mobile/Social gaming does not, in general, appeal to the people who buy consoles. They appeal to people who would never have bought a console and run on comps that are more than two years old.

Good luck Valve. I'll be watching.

It's pretty clear that it's sarcasm sirmandude.

I'm sorry, but can you read? I didn't focus on anything other than the ridiculous accusations of sexism and racism that you leveled on an entire community based on some random news story you've seen on the internet.

That was pretty good aside from the costuming. A kilt? And a trenchcoat?

Still, how fucked up have we been for the last twelve years when the only way forward is to kick the legs out from under Habeas Corpus?

I think you're inferring hate where I'm just seeing an immature expression of competition.(in regards to the FGC community) If that's not the case then I apologize for misinterpreting you.

Who said the FGC was based on racism and sexism? Why don't you paint that picture with a wider brush?

Ahh I see. You're doing it to avoid making them feel bad. All is clear now.


"I said that if a community is based in making cruel/racist/sexist remarks, belittling or cutting people down, then frankly, it shouldn't exist."

As predictable as yours?

Hyperbole is the best way to win an argument.

How dare you sir! That sounded like a reasonable conclusion and reasonable conclusions are not something that most people on the internet are interested in reading.

Did you really have to jump immediately to hyperbole? What he basically said was that only one side of this story has been told because half of what went on was off camera. Right or does that opinion threaten you exactly?

Willing to bet that not one of the negative comments made here are from one of his employees.

What about all the money your parents spent on your education?