
Hah. Your hate for Microsoft is so strong that you don't see the writing on the wall. If this is implemented Sony will surely follow suit. This is a measure that was most likely dictated to Microsoft by Publishers.

Because consoles have always been a more social platform than PC.

Hoping they drop the price is a pipe dream dude. They're going to RAISE the price because there are tons of assholes that will gladly spend $70. Look at all the people in this comments section that don't mind having their property devalued in favor of giving $60 to incompetent developers that have done nothing, but

How far into the past did you have to travel in order to deliver this prophetic news to us Oh Great and Wonderful fanboy?

Yeah, those bitch ass developers that release broken games that require numerous patches to be playable deserve every cent they get.

I think you're reading more aggression in my tone than there is. I can understand the mistake since it's hard to gauge tone in text. I know we're complete strangers here, but if I was pissed or wanted to make you feel "internet bad" I'd be using a lot more four letter words. I just think it's kind of silly to

That's really nice of you man, but it's not your problem and it doesn't seem like the folks whose problem it is have any idea how to help me. Don't want you to waste your time.

And I'm saying that it's funny that a commercial for an Activision service subscription has you on Kotaku talking about Xbox Live. Way to go.

Yeah, I called support and they told me to go fuck myself again because they didn't have a listing for my problem in their troubleshooting queue. Good stuff!

Well, I don't have that file and it doesn't download automatically when I try to log into an Indie Game. Suppose I'll have to call Microsoft support again. Thanks for the info though man.

Hmm...I might as well try that. Every time I try to load an indie game I go to a black screen for ten seconds and then I get an error message telling me I need to update. That's it. Just an error. No opportunity to get any sort of update.

Maybe you should play with some better people then. Instead of propagating stereotypes in an attempt at being a part of the braying masses.

Remember kids, don't buy used games because you're taking money out of the pockets of developers that are totally cool with you paying $60+ for a broken game at release.

Sweet, lets all ignore the story above and deflect/derail the topic to the 360. Fanboys are fucking pathetic.

I own two indie games. They won't load at all. Microsoft won't do shit to help me.

Lets all show how cool we are by demeaning a bunch of people that we judge to be different.

What character is she portraying in #8? The one between Cammy and the "holy head" pic in case my counting is off.

People with money wanting more money makes the world go around. News at 11.

So...what's it feel like to spread a completely unfounded monetary value based on fluctuating content?

Although grammatically awkward when read the author wrote that sentence deliberately to show the irony of the situation.