
Luigi never gets the love...

This reminds me Valve. Why the hell is one of my achievements still ghosting? I have like 975 pts in L4D2, but if you look at my profile it only says 960 until you go in deeper and compare someone else's achievements to my own. Then the achievements actually shows up as achieved. A cursory glance shows it as

"I mean come on, we pay all the expenses to spay them. We regularly dump six packs of mountain dew in their beverage troughs. We've even cut down Rape Your Employee Month to Rape Your Employee Week. What more do these wage slaves want?"

@Ignominus: Played L4D for a year straight almost every night.

I WANT!!! Make it a digital download for XBLA and PSN please Konami.

@Damon Law: Fair enough. I have two other friends that love zombies, but hated Dead Rising. They didn't like the save system and the time limit. Two things I thought made it unique.

@Deanb: You're willfully ignoring that the best selling PS3 games are all from the same three genres and then arguing the complete opposite.

This is...why?

Aren't the point of these things to be unique from everyone else? Or not so much?

I would normally have gone to the midnight showing for Kick Ass because I'm a geek, but I've had a pair of free passes taking up space in my wallet for a couple weeks. Unfortunately, they aren't valid for opening weekends.

@runandgun: Final Fantasy's kind of been crap imo since they released FFX-2, but I must be honest I didn't play the last two so it might have improved. I tried this game and then shifted it to my "play it through eventually" list. That list, thanks to the constant new release schedule, still has games from like two

@dracosummoner: Its late and I'm not in the mood to tackle wall of text(not an insult I'm just not in the mood at the moment) so I skimmed to try and pick up your major themes.

@runandgun: From what I understand they already had the PS3 version close to production before they started on the port for the 360. This is from Square Enix's mouth.

@Coltage: Because they omitted the majority of what the story was about in favor of having a flamebait topic to artificially boost page views?

@bakagaijin: " There just isn't enough diversity on the system."

@Coltage: I don't really understand what you're trying to argue here anymore man? He went outside of the Sci-fi genre and just attacked most of the best selling games of this generation. To get headlines and attention...which he did since we're still arguing about it.

Sony fanboys gloating over this outcome makes about as much sense as if Halo became multiplatform and an Xbox fanboy gloated when it sold more copies on the 360.

@Miguelin123: mmm...360 fanboys that work for Square Enix? Otherwise, I don't really see why anyone would be disappointed. Hell, S-E doesn't really have anything to be disappointed by. They sold nearly half a million units they otherwise wouldn't have.