
@Pancake_Ninja: The 360 has put out more RPGs than the PS3 this gen...not a whole lot more, but you're still mistaken.

@wahrugene: I don't want to put words in Gregg's mouth, but I think he's referring to the established Playstation Final Fantasy fanbase. Could be wrong though.

This is on my play eventually list. The FF series used to be a staple of mine, but its just...not a must have anymore

@dracosummoner: How is sexual attraction, void of any context, wrong exactly?

@Deanb: You're contradicting yourself now man. You had a valid argument earlier, but you're just eroding it now.

@variableidentity01: Status Code: 80072ee2 is the dialog status code...fuck I just powered up Mass Effect 2 and now its saying my Cerebus Armor file is corrupted? wtf...I just played this game two days ago and it was fine.

I've been getting a "some xbox live content is temporarily unavailable" message all day long. Only shows three of the slides on my dashboard.(Main, Welcome, and one other that I can't remember now)

@variableidentity01: Btw you can also attribute low stock to its exclusivity. If it'd been available on more platforms there would have been more copies in stores.

@Deanb: "I pointed out that many exclusive games do well you rebutted that they're action/FPS titles, implying VC didn't do well because it wasn't an FPS."

@pkt-zer0: Thats a good point. A PC release would have also helped it out in the sales department.

@#c21804546 & Archaotic: Crowded release periods and low stock account for poor sales at release. How about every month since then? Games don't just sell in the first two months they're on the shelves guys come on...especially when the critics gush over it as much as they did with VC. Poor marketing? Maybe on TV.

@Archaotic: I think they care a lot. So much so that they think they can improve on the old game and put their own little stamp on it.

Valkyria Chronicles. A game that suffered greatly from exclusivity. Thats why it didn't sell well.

@Coltage: A lot of people would argue with you whether Halo(which was mentioned in the title on Kotaku) is bigger than Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.(which wasn't mentioned by Kotaku, but was also ridiculed by the author) He insulted a lot of high profile franchises. Like Uncharted for instance. A franchise that

@Rebochan: And the helicopter pilots(or was that Anya? Its been a while since I played GOW)...and that one female medic...and all the other females that they could just write in whenever they want because its a made up world. :)

@roll41: Me Grimlok, Me King!

I love this fake outrage stuff. I'd love to see the writer of this article actually transplanted through reality into the world of Gears of War. Let her tell us again whether she'd like to sit home and make babies or go and get slaughtered by 7 ft tall monsters that apparently have no end to their numbers.

@negitoro: I don't trust them Canadians...shifty eyes...always sharpening their hockey skates.