
Articuno is real, OK? This is a good bird, the best bird. I’ve seen many, many birds and I’ve created thousands of nests. If I was elected to head of Pokémon GO I’d work on legendaries, because legendaries are low, it’s incredible. And I would create more creatures in the inner cities, which is what I really do best,

I eagerly await the day Biden shows Kaine around the naval academy, capped off by shotgunning beers in the driveway.

“We should all — even you boys with wounded feelings and bruised egos — we love you, but you must honor your pledge to support Donald Trump now,”

against the will of the voters.

Maybe they just have to look around harder for that Missingno.

Of course, to her phone, it just looked like this.

No its not, our country is deeply devided and there are republicans just like there are democrats that vote party line no matter what. There are a ton of republicans who hate trump, but cant even bring themselves to vote the other party.

Are you serious? Wiesel endured the unimaginable, and then dedicated his entire life to victims of oppression. He headed a commission to investigate the Romanian government’s persecution of Jews and Romanis during the Holocaust. He advocated against apartheid in South Africa, genocides in Bosnia, Rwanda, and Darfur,

there’s this site called

Well, if you insist:

I spent the last few weeks thinking of a tree that we used to have in the backyard of our old house. All those hours I spent under that tree looking up as the sunlight dripped like honey through the leaves. When the thin cold wire of time wasn’t pressing pushing tight against my neck. There was time back then. There’s

I do not believe that this is a uniquely male thing. As far as I can tell, this is a new-school “journalism” thing, and I’ve started to read, and then stopped reading just as many articles from female authors as male authors. (Or at least I think they were, because sometimes I don’t go back and double check who wrote

The house........ is glass as hell.

They aren’t shaped like Cheetos (maybe Cheetos Puffs, but those aren’t real Cheetos).

And in that 4,400 lbs you get AWD in a massive TT V8 sedan with tons of luxury amenities, that doesn’t sound too bad to me. It’s not supposed to be a stripper sports car. It’s a very nicely appointed luxury sedan that can rip shit up.

It’s not like if a woman start doing these exercises she’s going to start to look like a jacked weightlifter overnight. There’s more to just working out that goes into looking like this.

I would love to see Deadspin and Jalopnik unshackled from the Gawker/Jezebel shitshow.

A strong argument for the people who believe that white people shouldn’t say “woke”?

A) I love Veep beyond the telling of it. I went back and rewatched all the earlier seasons to get ready for this season, and I couldn’t believe how many brilliant little asides I’d missed the first time around. How can you not love a show that gives you lines like, “Joke’s on you, Dan... I fucking love burritoes”?