
Corky and the Juice Pigs! Whenever I'd see a douchy guitar-bro strumming in the quad back in college, I'd request this song. No one ever knew what I was talking about. :(

Seconding the Awesome Mom comment by IamMarsupial. Procrastination aside, you have an Awesome Daughter as well because the Undertaker is delightful; she has excellent taste wanting to cosplay such a fun character!

Very. My cat used to pull that posture and move, but she did it while raised on her hind legs. She looked like a furry leprechaun and it was scary as hell to walk into a room and see her doing that. This is the same cat who takes test nibbles on my arm when I'm sleeping (she doesn't even try to hide the fact that

Being the classy dame that I am, I am pleased to announce that my Broadway tradition is running strong: I am now 3 for 3 in spilling wine all over myself during a show. This is all the more impressive given the little fact that said wine is served in sippy cups. I am the epitome of sophistication.

For five solid minutes I have been watching that gif and giggling hard enough that tears are streaming down my face. I look (and sound) like I'm having a nervous breakdown, but I don't care because that gif is incredible. Each time the dino tail flops over in resignation at the end, I lose it all over again.

Why not just get a goat that eats money and then hire some Swedish lady to pet the goat all day?

I've had the Nook Simple Touch since it debuted and haven't had a single problem with it despite heavy use. I don't know what kind of screen problems Glow users are reporting, but the NST is a pretty perfect ereader (and ad free!).

Seriously. At least they make more of an effort to be pretty than Spanx.

I for one am dying to smuggle it into a really rugged mountain man's kitchen. I like picturing a lumberjack using that to salt the venison he's drying. I mean, there's a deer on it, isn't there? It's like it's meant for seasoning the deer flesh.

I want to enjoy these pictures, but I'm far too distracted by the fact his pants are making me flash back to Catholic school. Something about them reminds me of the overly soft, worn-out, faded look all of the boys' navy blue pants had by the end of the school year.

Okay, the argyle coffin was kinda cute, but I'm a little confused by the vampire segment. The girl he's dancing with has X-ed out eyes, so is she still dead even though he drank milk instead of her blood? Is he dancing with a corpse?

I'm usually not squeamish about food, but haggis is one of those dishes which I can't even look at, much less bring myself to sample (blech, viscera). Which is especially funny considering sausages made with real live (well, no-longer-alive) intestine casings are so much better than sausages in artificial casings. I

Whoops, double post.

Totally understandable. I felt for Nani for the whole movie, but Stitch is just so fuzzy and weird I couldn't resist him. And while Lilo could be annoying, her dark side (Scrump, voodoo) reminded me of a young, well, me. Go figure, the messed up alien movie is the one I find most relatable in the Disney lineup.

Aww, it's one of the only Disney movies I like. More Stitch for me then!

And yeah, I'm totally on a nickname basis with Rob and Mar. I watched that movie obsessively as a child (and, uh, as an adult), so in my head we're totally best friends. There was a little bit of weirdness with Mar when I was a kid since ol' Roberrrr was my first crush (wasn't he everyone's?), but we moved past that.

Oooh, elongated Stitch is creepy as fuck. I imagine rolly-polly Stitch would be a better dancer, anyway.

For some reason, when reading about your nightmare scenario I visualized it as the doll scene from Barbarella.

Yes. Back when Fear Factor was a thing, I knew that my final challenge would destroy me: toss me in a pit full of tarantulas and puking babies, and you will see me die of pure terror. My heart would beat so fast it'd set my lungs on fire. That's absolutely how I'd die if I found myself surrounded by furry spiders