
*Books plane ticket to Vegas
* Gathers life savings
* Bets the under on the White Sox this season

Easiest money you can make.

I’m glad that some people care about this stuff, because Twitter wouldn’t be as entertaining without people, you know, tweeting.

But I’m even more glad I don’t have to give a shit about this stuff.

Wild fan here. Anyone want our shitty veterans? Anyone? Bueller?

I’ve never cheated, but have been cheated on 2 times in my casually dating life. The first time I stuck it out, the relationship lasted another 14 months, and got toxic towards the end. The second time I ended it right then and there. Going forward, unless there’s tons of equity built up in a relationship, I will

Anything from Taco Bell has to be up there for most AMERICAN barfed foods, right? Couldn’t tell you how many times we picked up T Bell on the way home from the bar, and it was always a terrible idea.....

I laughed way too hard at the illustration. Fucking brilliant!!

Can confirm as my team’s goalie in high school, that there is no fast solution to taking off the gear if you need to take a shit.

I can recall one time when I was a sophomore in high school, we were stupid and ate Chipotle burritos on the bus ride to our game. Chicken, corn, hot salsa, sour cream, cheese, lettuce FTW.

Great signing by the Jets.. And there goes my hope of a home state reunion signing for the Minnesota Wild this summer.

I mean, I guess you’d have to marry Wade Phillips because OLD NFL $$ and he’s more than likely the first to die. Bang Rob Ryan, even though that would be terrifying.. Hope he focuses ONLY on the feet! And Kill Lane Kiffin, no questions asked.

Considering everyone loves to hate on ESPN, and their declining popularity, it’s mind boggling that Fox Sports couldn’t capitalize on ESPN’s bullshit. It has to be a complete marketing failure, right?

They came hot out of the gate positioning themselves as “We’re not ESPN! We have fun talking about sports!” Then after